Explode the Code 1
Homeschool Together Review:
Short Review:
Explode the Code is a phonics-based curriculum focused on early reading skills
Book 1 covers basic short vowel sounds and consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words
Very visual with pictures corresponding to words
Includes a lot of handwriting practice - writing words, sentences, etc.
Workbook format with activities like circling pictures, filling in missing letters to complete words, reading short sentences
Over 100 pages, could take a couple months to complete at a pace of a few pages per day
Affordable books
Does not include stories for reading practice until after Level 1. Would need to supplement with early readers.
Manipulatives like letter cards not included, so may need to supplement with flashcards
Recommended to start with the "before the code" books if this is the core reading curriculum to learn all letter sounds first
Good for review and reinforcement after completing a more comprehensive initial reading curriculum
Hands-on independent work versus teacher-driven like some other reading curriculums
Overall provides a phonics foundation and practice through different types of exercises
Product Description
Workbook 1 introduces students to the sounds of short vowels. The exercises begin with short a and then follow with short i, short u, short e, and short o. Students practice blending sounds to read and write CVC words.